Harriet Tubman
Harriet Tubman Is the first and only Women to help free slaves using the underground Rail Road and this is why i choose her to write about. Araminta
Ross [Harriet Tubman] was born into slavery in 1819 or 1820, in
Dorchester County, Maryland. Given the names of her two parents,
both held in slavery, she was of purely African ancestry. She
was raised under harsh conditions, and subjected to whippings even
as a small child. She slept as close to the fire as possible on
cold nights and sometimes stuck her toes into the smoldering ashes
to avoid frostbite. Cornmeal was her main source of nutrition
and occasionally meat of some kind as her family had the privilege
to hunt and fish. Most of her early childhood was spent with her
grandmother who was too old for slave labor.